Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Man Called Barnabas

A man called Barnabas from Alex Tang

Sermon statement

Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith

read more here

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Friday, September 07, 2012

SFI seminar: Presbyterian Heritage and Christian Spirituality

SFI Seminar 2012/4

Presbyterian Heritage and Christian Spirituality
Learning from our history and going on in Christ

Date      :                      2.00pm- 9.30pm, Saturday 13 Oct 2012
Place     :                      Berea, Holy Light Church, 11-C, Jalan Gertak Merah, Johor Bahru

Programme:                  Session One: Hebrews and Heritage
Insights from the book of Hebrews. What is Presbyterianism? Key elements in
Presbyterian identity. Questions about Presbyterianism you always wanted to know but are afraid to ask.

Session Two: People, Places, Memory and Mission
Presbyterian churches from the Reformation to the present day, including Malaysia.

Session Three: Following God's Call
Presbyterian frameworks for serving Christ in Church and Community


Dr John Roxborogh is a Presbyterian minister from New Zealand. He and his family lived in KL while he taught at Seminary Theology Malaysia from 1983 to 1990. He has studied church and mission history in Scotland, served in parish ministry and taught mission studies in New Zealand. He was coordinator of lay training for the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership in Dunedin where he also taught courses on Presbyterianism for ministers and elders. He is currently an Honorary Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia at Trinity Theological College and is involved in writing projects on Malaysian church history. Visit his website at roxborogh.com

All are welcome

(Seminar cost RM20.00 includes refreshment,dinner and seminar notes).

Spiritual Formation Institute Seminar 2012/4      
Presbyterian Heritage and Christian Spirituality

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………….. Church…………………………………………

Tel    : …………………………………………………………………………………. Email:………………………………………………………………………………………..

Please register with Sister Grace Soon of HLCE (Tel:07-2243285)

visit our website Spiritual Formation Insititute

Dr John Roxborogh will be preaching at Holy Light Church (English) at the 9.30 am and 5 pm services on Sunday 14 October 2012. God willing, he may have the historical and awesome privilege of preaching in our new Faith Worship Hall! Do come and join us. Location and more information here.

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SFI seminar on Citizens in Digital Spaces

SFI Seminar 2012/3

Citizenship in Digital Spaces: Challenges and Choices

Date      :                      2.00pm- 9.30pm, Saturday 22 Sept 2012
Place     :                      Berea, Holy Light Church, 11-C, Jalan Gertak Merah, Johor Bahru

Programme:                  2.30-4.00pm    
Session One: Understanding The Digital Communications Revolution (Dr Calvin  

Session Two: Trapped in Cyberspace: Internet Addiction (Mr Ray Chua)

Session Three: Platforms and Resources to Engage the Digital Generation (Dr Calvin Chong)

Dr Calvin Chong is Associate Professor, Educational Studies at Singapore Bible College.  His areas of teaching and research interests include hermeneutics, orality and storytelling, design learning, and digital technologies in education.  He also serves on the Central Council of the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore, the Theological Advisory Board of the Graduate Christian Fellowship, and is a Global Advisory Partner with RBC Ministries. 

Ray Chua is a psychologist at National University Health Systems. He is currently working to bring the Cyber Health & Internet Programme to secondary schools in Singapore. He was formerly Assistant Manager (Counselling/R&D) at TOUCH Cyber Wellness (TCW). He led the development of cyberwellness education materials used in schools and led the counselling team to help youths overcome cyber-related problems. He was also involved in the cyberwellness training of students, teachers, counsellors and parents at 22 schools, organizations and churches. He has a honors degree in psychology and his research focused on cognitive-behavioral factors influencing excessive gaming. He is married with two daughters in primary school. He is currently serving as Honorary Treasurer on the church council of Geylang Evangelical Free Church where he had worshipped for the past 21 years.

 All are welcome

(Seminar cost RM20.00 includes refreshment,dinner and seminar notes).

Spiritual Formation Institute Seminar 2012/3     

Citizenship in Digital Spaces

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………….. Church…………………………………………

Tel    : …………………………………………………………………………………. Email:………………………………………………………………………………………..

Please register with Sister Grace Soon of HLCE (Tel:07-2243285)

Visit our website Spiritual Formation Institute


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Thursday, September 06, 2012

Soul Care Postcards

Soul care is slow painstaking work, with ebbs and flow, up and down, freshness and dryness, progress and regression. It is hard work for it is the renovation of our souls to the character of Christ; the fully restored image of God. Like drops of water than can wear down a mountain, soul work needs patience but is a powerful vocation.

spiritual direction is the process where two or more companions on a spiritual journey help one another to be open to God, to their inner lives and to each other

spiritual direction is mainly about rest; rest in God's goodness, rest in believing God will reveal Himself to us and guide our actions, and rest in His sovereignty

Trust is holding the hand of God as we walk through the woods that is our lives

spiritual direction is cultivating awareness-the awareness of the movements of the Holy Spirit in our lives; of what God is working with our lives in the past, present and future; and to get on board with what ever He is doing now. Awareness is seeing God in all things.

Love is the emotion and the passion that is the matrix of our spiritual life

Photos by Wong Ling Hong

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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Soul Care in MBS

It has been an exhausting but rewarding experience in teaching Soul Care: The Art and Science of Spiritual Direction in an intensive module 27-31 August 2010 at the wonderful campus of the Malaysia Bible Seminari (MBS) in Kuang, Selangor. There were initial apprehensive in the understanding of spiritual direction especially with its emphasis on the dimensions of spiritual experiences. All the students are evangelicals and most are experienced pastors or pastoral workers. Many of them are studying theology in the seminary. It is understandable that spiritual direction with its emphasis of listening, silence, watching for the movement of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God challenges their evangelical Bible-centred framework. I hope that the lectures, lectio divina, small group sessions and practicums helped to relieve some of their anxieties.

Basically the module is designed in such a way that we begin with ourselves and our relationship with God. This includes being aware of ourselves, our needs and frustrations and how we employ filters when we listen to others. We also need to learn to be aware of the movements of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. This come from experiences of listening to and responding. Only then are we able to discern these movements of the Holy Spirit in others. We also have to learn to be open to others and allow them space to process their spiritual quests. This involves trust and patience. Finally only in love do we speak into the lives of each other. Soul Care is the journeying together of two or more souls towards the awareness and enjoyment of God in whom we move, live our daily lives, and have our being, as we rest in His goodness.

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