Holy Communion for Health and Wholeness

Joseph Prince is the senior pastor of New Creation Church, a megachurch of more than 15,000 members in Singapore. In this book, Prince seeks to correct “misconceptions about the Holy Communion have robbed many believers of an important God-ordained avenue of healing and wholeness.” (backcover)
In his introduction, Prince notes that, “I have discovered that God ordained the Holy Communion not as a ritual to be observed, but as a blessing to be received – the blessing of health and wholeness” (p.6). To expand on that statement, Prince attributes different function to the wine (representing the blood of Christ) and bread. He writes that “the blood is for forgiveness” (p.24-25) and the “bread is for healing.”(p.25-32). Thus the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion “brings the double cure…in other words, Jesus bore not just our sins, but also our bodily weaknesses, sicknesses, and pains.” (p.32)
While most evangelicals will agree that the Holy Communion is a sacrament which is a blessing from God, they may have problem with the fact that partaking of the Holy Communion cures diseases and ill-health. The proof text used by Prince is 1 Corinthians 11:29-30.
“For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.”
Prince infers that “He (Paul) was pointing us to one singular reason Christians become weak, sick, and die before their time…their failure to discern the Lord’s body.” (p.13) Apparently because they “did not know why they were partaking” or “they had no idea why they were eating the bread.” (p.13) so they became weak, sick and die. Prince further adds, “since truth is parallel, it means that if we do discern the Lord’s body, we will walk in His health and wholeness.” (p.13-14)
What is the correct way to discern the Lord’s body? Prince offers this answer, “And as you partake of His broken body, know that yours can be whole. When you partake in this spirit of faith, something happens to your body. You become strong, healthy and you will live long” (p.31). He further adds, “so healing like forgiveness, is not a promise. It is the blood-bought right of Christians!” (p.36)
Prince also advises, “But if you are sick, I would recommend that you have Communion daily. I know of people who are so radical that they take it like medicine-three times a day. And you know what? They get radical results.” (p.45)
And also an additional benefit, “The Holy Communion is God’s solution to offset the decay (ageing). And even your friends will see the results. They will ask you, “Hey, why do you seem to look younger and younger? You never seem to age!”” (p.58). Goodbye biotox.
Labels: Theology
I think the Apostle Paul is turning in his grave...! Perhaps he might also turn in his grave after my Corinth seminar next saturday!!
A little wine is good for the stomach, no? ;)
yes Bob - we use authentic wine in BLC ....
The Holy Communion getting airplay in Charismatic circles huh?
and usually the doorway in is "health" and "wholeness."
oh dear ...
hi kar yong,
that he is, that he is
dear pearlie,
two words and it said so much :)
hi sivin and bob k,
hi sivin and bob k,
authentic wine? You mean there are pirated version? :)
wine in moderation is good for the stomach.. and the heart too. Paul discovered that long before the doctors ;p
I do not know how widespread is this teaching in the Charismatic circles. Would not actually classify New Creation Church as Charismatic.
Beer will do for me :)
I've been listening to some of Prince's attendees, which are my frens, talking about how smart and biblical-founded is he...each time i tried hard to put on a smile.
hi leon,
you may have a point there :)
the bread for physical healing? sounds like some kind of placebo effect.
what's a new creation church?
One of my church fred whose mother died in a hosipital.
They request the doctor to have time with their deceased mother. The family took Holy Communion in the present of the dead body.
Behold the dead mother came back alive and now share about the goodness of Jesus.
Even Benny Hinn in 2006 preached about the Holy Communion and its HEALING.
dear anonymous,
Thank you for your very interesting comment.
Dear All,
Anyone interested in doing a detailed research and study of the Holy Communion and Olive Oil issues taught by Joseph Prince? It's easy to dismiss and even laugh at the matters at hand, but 15k people are being taught and actually applies it. I was told that no white hair would grow and you become slim, on Christians who minister Lord's Table daily at home.
Finally, I am committed to an indepth discussion and study. Anyone?
I would like to no what words should we pray when taking communion at home and what steps to take etc.
Hi Anon,
I do not think there are any special words or ritual that is essential to taking Holy Communion at home. Just follow what you do in church.
We can all pick holes in what others say. Joseph Prince's book is worth reading even if you don't listen to his sermons. The truth is God is the author of life and brings healing through faith. He loves us and calls all people everywhere to repent and turn to Him. Let us be gracious to one another in matters of disagreement and not ridicule those who believe differently than us. In all things God will guide us closer to His truth if that is what we seek.
Hi Mandydl,
Thank you for your comment. Agree with you that God will reveal His truth.
How can I petake of the holy communion at home and on my own.I believe faith is key.
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