Sunday, January 18, 2009

Festchrift to Chow Lien Hwa

Johnson Lim (ed) (2008) Take Root Downward, Bear Fruit Upward: A Festschrift Presented to Lien-Hwa Chow on the Occasion of his Eighty Eighth Birthday, Hong Kong: Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary.

Chow Lien Hwa is known as the"Father of Asian Baptists." He is a pastor, scholar, teacher and a mentor to many Baptists around the world. His untiring work of teaching and writing is based on his belief that it takes three generations before contextualisation can fully take place.

This festschrift is a love-gift from Baptist theologians and pastors from around the world but mostly from Asia. It is heartening to read and appreciate the level of scholarship that is developing in Asia. These articles are mainly in the area of hermeneutics though it is heartening to read Dr Sunny Tan's (Dean, Malaysia Baptist Seminary) call for Pastor-Theologians and Dr Johnson Lim's (Research Director, Asian Baptist Graduate Seminary-Singapore) on the original sin.

great reading.

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