Discerning Personal Prayer Styles
This is an excellent post by Helen who blogs at Reflections of a RSCJ
Each one discerns about her prayer life...
I am just continuing to reflect on #25 in the Constitutions of the Society of the Sacred Heart because there is so much that can be applied to anyone's spirituality... Here is the thought to reflect on today:
religious finds her own rhythm of prayer
and will
decide how best she is to be faithful
to what
Christ asks of her and of the Society.
She will
discern the method and style of her prayer-life
with a
person of her own choice,
I am convinced that each of us prays according to
our own unique personality. We discern what God is asking of us as far
as the amount and kind of prayer; I have always done this with my
spiritual director. Usually, a director will just affirm one's method
and style of prayer. I sometimes might give some suggestions to my
directees, but usually I tell them that the best way to pray is the way
they pray best. Prayer is the expression of a relationship that is
unique because each of us is unique so it is better just to encourage
and let the Spirit lead...
Thomas Merton said, "How does an apple ripen? It just sits in the sun." I think that is an excellent description of prayer.
Labels: Contemplative, Prayer
A common saying among spiritual directors is:
"Pray as you can, not as you must"
a worthwhile comment. Be yourself. Thanks.
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