Friday, October 16, 2015

The Academy for Spiritual Formation (Singapore) in Malaysia

Attended the historical first The Academy for Spiritual Formation (Singapore) which was held in Majodi Centre in Johor Bahru, Malaysia from 12-15 October 2-15. This is the first Academy to be held outside the United States. The Academy for Spiritual Formation is one of The Upper Room Ministries. This Academy was organised by a Singapore team and I was very grateful to them for inviting me (a Malaysian) to attend. It was a wonderful academy and I will spend some time processing what I have learned and experienced.

What I want to share here is the creative way the team have designed the altar piece to enhance the daily theme.

Day One: Return

 Day Two: Rest

 Day Three: Renew

 Day Four: Re-engage

I will share more about the academy later.


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