Aftershocks of Postmodernism
The Aftershocks of Postmodernism in Our Leadership
By Dr. John C. Maxwell
I think about that as I look at what’s happened in the church. I think there are some aftershocks of the Postmodern movement that we need to be aware of. But before I take you into some of these aftershocks, let me go back to the “earthquake” itself: the shift from Modernism to Postmodernism. A lot changed in our culture and in the church during that shift:
- We went from humanism, where we’re the masters of our fate, to fatalism, wherein we have no control over what happens.
- We went from rationalism to relativism—a movement from truth as absolute to truth is relative, and we each have our own realities.
- We went from science being the ultimate that will deliver us, to technology, where applications exist to serve our needs.
- We went from enlightenment to narrative. It’s a shift from, “I want the facts,” to “Give me a story; paint a picture for me.”
- We went from universal right and wrong, what I call “self evident ethics,” to tolerance, in which everyone is tolerant of everyone else’s values.
- We went from materialism to spiritualism, from a mindset of believing only in what we can see, to a sense of mysticism in which we believe in invisible realities.
- We went from individualism, that self-made man persona, to community, being focused more on teamwork and family.
Aftershock #1: We’ve gone from Duplication to Integration.
Aftershock #2: We have gone from Achievement to Learning.
Aftershock #3: We moved from Industry to Individuals.
Aftershock #4: We have gone from Scarcity to Abundance.
Aftershock #5: We’ve had a shift from Consumerism to Stewardship.
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so pomo-ism is a good thing, right? ;>)
(Is Maxwell the guy who writes leadership books?)
it looks like him, it sounds like him...
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