Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Smorgasbord

Here are some gems from the Leadership magazine.

An interesting take on a missing leadership quality by John Ortberg. I think it is known by another name by the church fathers.

Leader's InsightToday's Most Devalued Virtue
Why is a once honored leadership trait now despised?

What's the most undervalued, under-discussed commodity on the leadership stock exchange today? What's the item that is currently on no one's list of desired qualities in a leader that once would have been consistently in the top four?

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A reminder from Gordon MacDonald about anger management.

Leader's InsightThe Volcanic Spirit
One eruption can contaminate your inner space for a l-o-n-g time.

I—and millions more—had never heard of Eyjafjallajokull, the Icelandic volcano, until it blew up a few days ago and belched ash and dirty ice into the atmosphere at a rate of 750 tons per second. Now, days later, this ugly volcanic "garbage" floats over much of Europe and is the cause of thousands of flight cancellations. Entire national economies are being humbled by this unexpected event.

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A more critical looking at organic church...beyond the hype.

This Week in Leadership CHURCH LIFE
The Dirt on Organic
Small volunteer-led congregations are gaining popularity and making an impact. But they require more spadework than you realize.

I tried it; I started an organic church.

It began in my living room in 2005 with a small group of Milwaukee 20-somethings—most of whom wouldn't be caught dead in "church." Then I pitched the idea of doing church where the rest of life happens: in living rooms, kitchens, Starbucks bistros—anywhere solid conversations could take place. The people grew, the group grew, the number of houses grew, and off I ventured into the world of organic churches.

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Blogger Paul Long said...

Prudence - now there's a word I need to think about more. Helpful article. Thanks

11:56 AM  
Blogger Alex Tang said...

Hi Paul,

I like the article too. Prudence. And I am also thinking of discernment. I believe we need to learn the spiritual skills of discernment especially in our ministries.

12:25 PM  

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