Wednesday, July 21, 2010

God's Glory in Everything

Meister Eckhart once wrote that it is delusion to think that we can obtain more of God by contemplation or pious devotions than by being at the kitchen hearth or working in the merchants’ stalls. This is hard to believe because it is literally beyond human comprehension. God is in the saucepan as well as the chalice, the lawn mower as well as the monstrance. The manner is ordinary, but God’s glory is in every event, every moment, every particle of creation.

— Mother Gail Fitzpatrick, OCSO, Seasons of Grace:
Wisdom from the Cloister

This quote is from the blog of Carl McColman, Anamchara-The Website of Unknowing. Carl has written extensively on mysticism and this is a great blog to visit if you are interested in the subject. Recently Carl has published a new book

Order your copy of The Big Book of Christian Mysticism by clicking here.

I have written to him and he has graciously agreed to send me three of his books which he will autograph, some bookmarks and prayer cards. I am looking forward to reading his book and has been bugging my postman (poor chap).


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Anonymous soma said...

Thanks for the not on Christian Mysticism. The mind is tender and is easily harassed in the noisy confusion of life so we need to discipline our minds to keep peace with our soul. I believe we can continue to wonder and see beauty in the world even with its fraud, strife and broken dreams. The person who does not recognize his soul, who does not commune spiritually is but a pair of glasses without an eye, a person with an intellect who is not aware of spirituality knows all the prices, but not the value of life.

9:18 AM  

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